Bienvenue! Welcome!
My goal is to help you work faster.
I must speak and teach until I hear 10 people say, "That thing you taught me? I used it! And it saved me time!"
(Ahem ... although maybe blogging slower than I'd hoped. Ugh, coders' repetitive stress injury.)
So check out the tutorials. Play with code. Tell me about your triumphs.
Python for Salesforce: List unique values found across similar Salesforce fields
31 Jan 2019
works great to find unique values present in a single field, but what if you have 50 nearly-identical fields and want to find unique values used in any of them? Python to the rescue – read on!
Python pour Salesforce: Énumérer les valeurs uniques à travers plusieurs champs Salesforce
31 Jan 2019
de Salesforce marche très bien pour énumérer les valeurs uniques d’un seul champs. Mais si on a 50 champs presque identiques, et si on veut trouver les valeurs uniques à travers l’ensemble de tous les champs ? Python à l’aide – lisez pour découvrir comment !
9 fév: Démonstration de Python pour admins Salesforce (FR)
24 Jan 2019
Pendant cette démonstration interactive (mini-atelier) #SalesforceSaturday, on verra la simplicité et la puissance que la langue de programmation Python vous offre pour modifier vos feuilles de calcul (telles que les fichiers CSV que l’on exporte de / importe avec #Data Loader) quand Excel vous présente des obstacles (lenteur, répétitivité, jointures VLOOKUP, etc.).
Lire plusFeb. 9: FRENCH-language demo of Python for Saleforce admins!
24 Jan 2019
In this Salesforce Saturday “hands-on demo,” I’ll show you simple, powerful Python code for modifying spreadsheets like you would export from / import into Salesforce.
Continue ReadingProper-Casing CSV/XLSX Data With Python
10 Jan 2019
Helen Anderson’s article “Excel Series: Formulas and Functions” went around Twitter today, and her first steps were so beautifully simple I thought, “Hey, let’s see what they look like in Python for a little compare-and-contrast.”
Continue ReadingFilter a large CSV file with Python
08 Jan 2019
The problem with large files in Excel isn’t generally the size, per se. It’s that Excel tries to show you all its work. To modify huge CSV or XLSX files, such as exports from your Salesforce “Task” and “Contact” tables, consider writing code with a language like Python.
Continue ReadingFiltrer un gros fichier CSV avec Python
08 Jan 2019
Le problème avec de gros fichiers en Excel, ce n’est pas généralement la taille de vos fichiers. C’est que Excel essaie de vous montrer tous ses calculs. Considérez donc un langage de programmation tel que Python pour modifier de gros fichiers CSV et XLSX, comme les exportations de vos tableaux Salesforce comme “Tâche” et “Contact.”
Lire plusDedupe Salesforce NPSP Emails with Python
23 Nov 2018
Salesforce #AwesomeAdmin Matthew (@matthewsalibi) asked how he could use Python to deduplicate Salesforce NPSP email addresses across several fields. Today I’ll provide you a script you can copy, paste, and try on your own data. And for the geeks, I’ll break it down and explain how every line works.
Continue ReadingPython for Salesforce Real-Life Challenge: NPSP Email Deduping
12 Nov 2018
Salesforce #AwesomeAdmin, reader, and “Office Hours” attendee Matthew (@matthewsalibi) got Python up and running on his computer, and is ready to dive into looking for duplicates in his Salesforce “Contacts” table. But he’s on the Nonprofit Starter Pack (NPSP), and a given email address might be in any of several fields. Today we’ll lay out his question … stay tuned for the answer!
Continue ReadingEvery SQL Join You'll Ever Need
08 Nov 2018
All right … maybe not every join. But this cheat sheet helped me score 104% on my Database 101 midterm exam, so it must be worth something.
Continue Reading