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Find a library job with Python

20 Apr 2022 🔖 python
💬 EN

Table of Contents

I’ve got a friend who needs a new library job. To help, I wrote a Python script to scrape New York University’s jobs site, New York Medical College’s jobs site, and Yonkers Public Schools’s job site, looking for the phrase librar (which hopefully covers “library”, “libraries”, and “librarian”).

For librarians

To change the schools, get a account, then visit the link above and click the “Fork repl” button so you can edit the source code.

Edit the definition of job_pages between lines 8 and 12 by removing schools, adding schools, etc.

  • Separate each school with a comma.
  • Put its nickname to the left of the colon.
  • Put its “jobs” page URL to the right of the colon.
    • (You’ll have to visit that school’s actual careers page to dial in the best imaginable URL.)

Once you’ve tweaked the code, use the URL of your “” project, not mine, when you run your new jobs-scraper.

Just keep in mind that the whole world can see things you do in unless you pay for it, so install Python on your personal computer if you prefer to keep your schools of interest a secret.

Each time you run this code, you’ll see a quick summary of what library jobs a school has open in the “system output” of the console from which you ran the code.

Try putting dozens of schools into job_pages and run the code every morning to see if there’s anything you didn’t see the day before.

For programmers

If you’re a Python whiz, you can tidy it up a bit if you’ve got a better idea on GitHub. (Please keep any suggested edits beginner-friendly, using lots of comments, and using things like for-loops rather than comprehensions, since this is aimed at a hypothetical librarian who’s never seen Python before, not an experienced programmer.)


import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests

# Define a variable for what search phrase we'll be looking for in pages we visit
find_me = 'librar'
# Define a variable with nicknames & URLs of pages we plan to visit
job_pages = {
    'uni_nyu': ''+find_me+'*&searchRelation=keyword_all',
    'uni_nymc': ''+find_me+'*&searchRelation=keyword_all',
    'k12_yonk': ''+find_me+'&job_type=&type=&action=Search'
# Define a "regex" text-searching pattern for " a few words around wherever the keyword of interest shows up"
find_me_regex = re.compile(find_me, re.I)
find_me_with_padding_regex = re.compile(r'.{0,30}' + find_me + r'.{0,30}', re.I)

def parse_job_page(job_pages_key, job_pages_value):
    http_response = requests.get(job_pages_value)
    html_data = http_response.text
    parsed_html = BeautifulSoup(html_data, 'html.parser')
    # Reset things from the last loop
    search_results = []
    # Look through the text on the page for the keyword of interest
    search_results = parsed_html.body.findAll(find_me_regex) # Data type of each member of this list:
    # I can't figure out why, but some pages don't seem to work so well and this seems to help
    if (len(search_results) == 0): 
        body_stripped = ''.join(line.strip() for line in parsed_html.body.text.split("\n"))
        search_results = find_me_with_padding_regex.findall(body_stripped)
    print(job_pages_key + ':  Found ' + str(len(search_results)) + ' in-page case-insensitive occurrences of "' + find_me + '".')
    # Display snippets from any interesting finds
    if len(search_results) > 0:
        print('Check it out!  ' + job_pages_value)
        for search_result_counter, search_result in enumerate(search_results, start=1):
            print('In-page search result #' + str(search_result_counter))
            search_result_snippets = find_me_with_padding_regex.findall(search_result)
            for snippet_counter, snippet in enumerate(search_result_snippets, start=1):
                print('Snippet #' + str(snippet_counter) + '( search result #' + str(search_result_counter) + '):')
        print('Check it out!  ' + job_pages_value)
    # Lots of educational instutions (a common place with libraries) use ICIMS, which puts the jobs in an IFrame.
    first_iframe = parsed_html.find('iframe')
    if first_iframe is not None:
        iframe_src = first_iframe.attrs['src']
        if iframe_src is not None:
            iframe_http_response = requests.get(iframe_src)
            iframe_html_data = iframe_http_response.text
            iframe_parsed_html = BeautifulSoup(iframe_html_data, 'html.parser')
            # Reset things from the last loop
            iframe_search_results = []
            # Look through the text on the page for the keyword of interest
            iframe_search_results = iframe_parsed_html.body.findAll(text=find_me_regex) # Data type of each member of this list:
            # I can't figure out why, but some pages don't seem to work so well and this seems to help
            if (len(iframe_search_results) == 0):
                iframe_body_stripped = ''.join(line.strip() for line in iframe_parsed_html.body.text.split("\n"))
                iframe_search_results = find_me_with_padding_regex.findall(iframe_body_stripped)
            print('  ' + job_pages_key + ' IFRAME:  Found ' + str(len(iframe_search_results)) + ' in-page case-insensitive occurrences of "' + find_me + '".')
            # Display snippets from any interesting finds
            if len(iframe_search_results) > 0:
                print('Check it out!  ' + job_pages_value)
                for iframe_search_result_counter, iframe_search_result in enumerate(iframe_search_results, start=1):
                    print('IFrame in-page search result #' + str(iframe_search_result_counter))
                    iframe_search_result_snippets = find_me_with_padding_regex.findall(iframe_search_result)
                    for iframe_snippet_counter, iframe_snippet in enumerate(iframe_search_result_snippets, start=1):
                        print('IFrame snippet #' + str(iframe_snippet_counter) + '( search result #' + str(iframe_search_result_counter) + '):')
                print('Check it out!  ' + job_pages_value)

for k,v in job_pages.items():
--- ---