Salesforce, Python, SQL, & other ways to put your data where you need it

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Bienvenue! Welcome!

My goal is to help you work faster.

I must speak and teach until I hear 10 people say, "That thing you taught me? I used it! And it saved me time!"

(Ahem ... although maybe blogging slower than I'd hoped. Ugh, coders' repetitive stress injury.)

So check out the tutorials. Play with code. Tell me about your triumphs.

Recalculating Salesforce Formula Fields in Apex

10 Sep 2019 🔖 salesforce apex tips tutorials 💬 EN ( FR )

Salesforce Winter ‘20 has a new Formula class in Apex – check out what it can do.

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Recalcul des champs de formule Salesforce en Apex

10 Sep 2019 🔖 salesforce apex astuces tutoriels 💬 FR ( EN )

L’édition hiver ‘20 de Salesforce inclue une nouvelle classe Apex Formule – regardez ici un exemple de ses capacités.

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No-Permissions Salesforce Profile w/ Python and Selenium

23 Aug 2019 🔖 salesforce tutorials python selenium 💬 EN

I needed a fresh “no permissions” Salesforce profile in a mature org.

I couldn’t get the Metadata API working fast enough to my liking, so I gave up and built a “robot version” of myself with Python and Selenium, hijacked my own browser, and watched fake-me click thousands of buttons at computer speed.

(Does that make my computer itself the #AwesomeAdmin?)

Here’s how I did it.

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Python Pandas For Excel on vBrownBag - show notes

21 Aug 2019 🔖 python pandas excel csv spreadsheet 💬 EN

Here are show notes from my Python Pandas for Excel webinar episode on Chris Williams’s marvelous Python for DevOps series on the vBrownBag channel:

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Forcelandia 2019 XML & JSON Conference Talk Resources

31 Jul 2019 🔖 salesforce xml json 💬 EN

Slides (PDF), links, etc. from my “Forcelandia” Salesforce community conference talk
XML & JSON For Total Beginners

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Salesforce Apex Performance: new ID map vs. for loop

08 Jul 2019 🔖 salesforce tips triggers 💬 EN

Salesforce developers: Have you ever hand-built a Map of SObjects by ID with a for loop? Are you sure you should?

Don’t forget about the magic of Apex’s keyword “new.”

It runs faster and can help reduce your CPU limit consumption.

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Tutoriel : types de données définis par Apex pour admins Salesforce

12 Jun 2019 🔖 salesforce flow integration architecture 💬 FR ( EN )

Depuis l’édition été 2019, Salesforce facilite la collaboration entre administrateurs et développeurs Salesforce pour augmenter des flux (Flow Builder) avec le code Apex à travers les «types de données définis par Apex».

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Intro to HTTP

03 Jun 2019 🔖 tutorials api integration architecture 💬 EN

HTTP is easy to learn in five minutes, and familiarity is essential if you’d like to use “APIs” to integrate data between systems over the internet.

This post will give you a beginner-level foundation in HTTP.

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Tutorial: Flow Apex-Defined Data Types for Salesforce Admins

29 May 2019 🔖 tutorials api salesforce flow integration architecture 💬 EN ( FR )

This post is for Salesforce admins and developers, showing you how you can more easily work together to combine Flows and Apex with a new Summer ‘19 release called “Apex-Defined Data Types.”

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XML for Salesforce Administrators: DemandTools Configuration

08 May 2019 🔖 xml tutorials salesforce python demandtools 💬 EN

As we saw with flows, copying and pasting configuration settings within typically point-and-click “business logic tools” is a great reason to be able to read and write XML.

Let’s look at another handy “copy-paste” task for Salesforce admins: ensuring that DemandTools scenarios which should have identical components actually do.

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