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Growing link underline, in Tailwind CSS

15 Jun 2021 🔖 web development
💬 EN

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Today I learned that Learn 11ty From Scratch opened up for free. Searching for the news, I found Ben Myers’ article “I Finally Understand Eleventy’s Data Cascade,” which reminded me how much I like some of his styling, including links whose underlines are chunky and grow to be full backgrounds when you hover or focus on them.

I’ve been doing a lot of Tailwind lately on landing-page-type sites so I can rip off other peoples’ components, but I hadn’t found a link style I was satisfied with, so I ported Ben’s work to Tailwind.

Ben’s rising style

You need to use a gradient from a color to itself so that your background is a “background image,” not a “background color.”

Now that Tailwind 3 introduced arbitrary properties, the appropriate code would be something along the lines of:

  I am some text, and then 
      bg-gradient-to-r from-yellow-200 to-yellow-200
      bg-no-repeat [background-position:0_88%]
      motion-safe:transition-all motion-safe:duration-200
    >I am some fancy-underlined text</span>,
  and I am normal text again.

Note: You can’t use bg-cover for the hover/focus, even though it looks the same as background-size: 100% 100%, because the smooth background size transition only works with an explicit size.

If you’d like to do something like use this as a default link style in Tailwind Typography prose-classed HTML elements, I’ve added code to Tailwind Play to show how you can:

  1. Use tailwind.config.js to override Typography’s defaults with individual traits like boldfacing or de-underlining links, and
  2. Use tailwind.css to set .prose a { @apply special-underline }.


As far as I can tell, there’s no @apply equivalent in tailwind.config.js. Does anyone know of one? It seems like it’d be nice to keep the definition of .prose a in one file. See Tailwind Play for the example I’d like to “fix.”

Underline falling style

While it’s not the same thing as above, I personally find transitioning from this to this an equally respectable way to scream “this is a link!” to a reader.

The main difference is that the transition will grow “down” instead of “up.”

As of Tailwind 3, underline styles are now native commands, and you can use any underline thickness you like with arbitrary value square-bracket notation:

  I am some text, and then 
        decoration-yellow-500 decoration-[0.25rem]
        motion-safe:transition-all motion-safe:duration-200
        hover:decoration-[0.5rem] focus:decoration-[0.5rem] hover:decoration-yellow-500/50 focus:decoration-yellow-500/50
    >I am some fancy-underlined text</span>,
  and I am normal text again.


Update: Ben says he grabbed the code from Morgan Wesemann.

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