Salesforce, Python, SQL, & other ways to put your data where you need it

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My goal is to help you work faster.

I must speak and teach until I hear 10 people say, "That thing you taught me? I used it! And it saved me time!"

(Ahem ... although maybe blogging slower than I'd hoped. Ugh, coders' repetitive stress injury.)

So check out the tutorials. Play with code. Tell me about your triumphs.

Setting up Windows Store Python with Pandas in VSCode

01 Oct 2020 🔖 python tutorials vscode windows salesforce beginner 💬 EN

My beloved Spyder IDE suddenly stopped working on me, and I needed to install Python + Pandas on a new computer anyway, so I decided to explore installing Python (and various packages I use with it such as Pandas) out of the Windows Store, executing code in VSCode as an IDE.

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Infrastructure as code homework #1

21 Sep 2020 🔖 linux devops 💬 EN

I’d like to get involved in a project at work that involves taking a tool comprised of a lot of databases and web servers (running Java in Apache Tomcat) and putting them into “the cloud” using best-practice architectures for installation, upgrade, maintenance, patching, backup, & recovery considerations.

After reading this helpful background about Tomcat by Secure Any Cloud, I think I’ve just come up with my first “hello world” homework assignment.

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Configuring public-private key pairs so 2 Linux machines can talk

16 Sep 2020 🔖 linux tutorials integration 💬 EN

Recently, I needed a sysadmin colleague to set up an ETL tool to make Linux Server #1 (on which the ETL tool runs) send a file to, and execute commands on, Linux Server #2. I had the privilege of watching and taking notes.

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Study plan for GraphQL in Salesforce Marketing Cloud

15 Sep 2020 🔖 marketing cloud salesforce databases graphql api integration tips 💬 EN

I’ve been collaborating again with Salesforce Marketing Cloud expert Kyle Griffin, this time thinking through what it would require to build SFMC data extensions from queries against an Oracle database.

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Sanity datatable serializer for 11ty sites

10 Sep 2020 🔖 jamstack web development 💬 EN

Playing with the 11ty (Eleventy) code from Knut Melvaer and Bryan Robinson’s sanity-eleventy-blog repo (from Sanity’s official tutorial on 11ty) and a Sanity project started using the built-in “blog” dataset, I got stuck adding Fred Jens’s sanity-datatable Sanity Studio plugin to the body rich-text editor of Sanity because 11ty threw an error: “Unknown block type ‘table’, please specify a serializer for it in the serializers.types prop.”

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Sep. 9: Content creation panelist on Whiskey Wednesday podcast

08 Sep 2020 🔖 tips 💬 EN

Sep. 9 at 9AM Pacific / 12 noon Eastern / 4PM UTC / 5PM British Summer Time, I’ll be livestreaming as a guest on Whiskey Wednesday, a new web development podcast by Marc Backes and Scott Spence. I can’t wait to join fellow panelists Randall Kanna, Rich Haines, and Jon Hilton.

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Intro to XML, JSON, & YAML: the book

04 Sep 2020 🔖 xml json yaml tutorials 💬 EN

I wrote a book!

I'm honored by this lovely note from traditional sysadmin turned Salesforce admin + developer Kris:

"Thank you SO MUCH for making JSON and XML clear and removing the enigma and fear and ego from these topics."

Download or print your copy of Intro to XML, JSON, and YAML.

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Reading a datetime with miliseconds into an Oracle DATE

26 Aug 2020 🔖 databases sql integration api json instructure 💬 EN

While fetching information from Instructure’s Bridge learning management system API, I noticed that their course completion timestamps include miliseconds (e.g. 2020-06-30T08:19:16.413-07:00). I needed to load this value into a DATE-typed column in an Oracle database table.

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Choosing a headless CMS without losing your head

24 Aug 2020 🔖 web development jamstack digital garden 💬 EN

Snap judgments about whether I’d ask my grandparents to use a variety of content management systems (CMSes) popular in the world of static website management:

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Why do bloggers love Markdown? Why use MDX? And other notes from MDXConf 2020

24 Aug 2020 🔖 jamstack web development 💬 EN

Live-notetaking from MDXConf below.

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