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From GitHub Desktop to VSCode

21 Feb 2024 🔖 tips
💬 EN

Table of Contents



File -> Add local repository

Add local repository

Local path



! This directory does not appear to be a Git repository. Would you like to create a repository here instead?

(Clicking create takes you to the Create a new repository popup)

Alternative flow to create, if have repos

  • “Current repository” tab
  • “Add” dropdown
  • “Create new repository” button

Alternative flow to create, if no repos

  • “Let’s get started” screen
  • “Create a New Repository on your hard drive”

Create a new repository

  • Name: (not sure yet what to do here; seems to get ignored if local path is grayed out because you clicked through from add a repo)
  • Description: Yay, I made a repo
  • Local path: C:\example
  • Leave Initialize this repository with a README unchecked.
  • Leave Git ignore set to None
  • Leave License set to None

Click the Create repository button at the bottom of the popup.

Remove the folder’s new .gitattributes file if you don’t like having such things in your repos.

Publish your repository to GitHub

Click the Publish repository button from the splash screen of the repo.

Or, Repository -> Repository settings -> Remote tab -> Publish button.

First, go to Git config tab, the popup’s bottom one.

Change the radio selection from Use my global Git config to Use a local Git config.

Then change the 2 values under Name to match your preferred style. e.g.

  1. my-github-username
  2. [email protected]

If you were to hit Save now, your /.git/config file would get updated to have 3 more lines of detail in it:

	name = my-github-username
	email = [email protected]

But instead let’s go back to the “Remote” tab & click that “Publish” button to bring up the “Publish repository” popup.

Publish repository

Go ahead & leave the “” tab selected at the top, not “GitHub Enterprise.”

  • Name: my-demo-repo
  • Description: my demo repo
  • Keep this code private: (checked)
  • Organization: None

Click the Publish repository button.

Once it’s done working, not only will the internet contain a new URL that didn’t exist a minute ago, but your /.git/config file will contain 6 new lines of detail:

[remote "origin"]
	url =
	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "main"]
	remote = origin
	merge = refs/heads/main

F1 -> git

Git: Initialize Repository

Pick workspace flder to initialize git repo in

From the dropdown, yes, choose c:\example as sugested

Now go to the “Source Control” tab.

Click the “View Git Graph” icon.

Click the Dismiss button in the “Error: Unable to load Commits” / “There are no commits in this repository.” popup.

In the upper right corner of the Git Graph tab, click the gear-shaped icon with a “Repository Settings” tooltip.

In the Repository Settings popup, make some changes:

  • Name: my-example

(Seems to no-op?)

Edit the User Details

  • User Name: my-github-username
  • User Email: [email protected]
  • User Globally: (UN-check it!)
  • Click the Set User Details button

Your /.git/config file has now been updated to have 3 more lines of detail in it:

	name = my-github-username
	email = [email protected]

Under Remote Configuration:

It says “There are no remotes configured for this repository.”

Click Add Remote

  • Name: origin
  • Fetch URL: https://[email protected]/my-github-username-or-org-name/my-demo-repo.git
  • Fetch Immediately: UN-check
  • Click the “Add Remote” button.

Click the Dismiss button in the “Error: Unable to load Commits” / “There are no commits in this repository.” popup.

Your /.git/config file will contain 3 new lines of detail:

[remote "origin"]
	url = https://[email protected]/my-github-username-or-org-name/my-demo-repo.git
	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

Aaaaand … now you have to head over to if you chose an organization name.


Otherwise, you can do F1 -> git -> Publish to GitHub -> publish to GitHub private repository (or public repository, if you prefer)

Yes, this is a disappointment compared to the completely in-desktop flow of GitHub Desktop.

On the other hand, the experience is pretty good and comes with anyway, meaning you might not even really care to use VSCode from your desktop anyway.

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