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18 Aug 2022 🔖 pardot
💬 EN

The “Pardot Integration User” permission set that comes w/ Pardot is not something I get to edit. It doesn’t have any object permission checkboxes enabled.

I made my own “Pardot-integration-visible objects and fields” and also assigned it to the user.

Under Object Settings for Contacts for the permission set, I checked “Read Access” for the checkbox-typed field “Pardot Sync - Human Resources” that I’d created, but and were showing me an error in gray saying, “Your connector has been paused because of Marketing Data Sharing field validation failures. The field Pardot_Sync_Human_Resources__c is not visible on object Contact” and was indeed empty despite having a Marketing Data Sharing Rule in place on Contact saying “Pardot_Sync_Human_Resources__c = TRUE”

After clicking “Edit” in the object settings for that field and saving my work, I went to and unpaused the CRM connector, but Pardot just re-paused it on me again with the same error message.

That said, then I tried “sync metadata,” which seems to have unpaused the connector a bit, and now it’s checkbox status at, and it has a pause button instead of a resume button, but I’m getting the same gray box, and pause-resume isn’t clearing away the gray box. Also, I don’t know exactly when in all my clicking around it happened, but “Testy Tester” has now showed up in the Sync Queue.

Oh! And yay, it’s also now at, so I guess I can ignore the gray error.

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