Salesforce, Python, SQL, & other ways to put your data where you need it

Need event music? 🎸

Live and recorded jazz, pop, and meditative music for your virtual conference / Zoom wedding / yoga class / private party with quality sound and a smooth technical experience

Exploring Campus Labs Engage's data with Python

17 Sep 2021 🔖 python integration
💬 EN

Code to determine how many unique values there were within the typeName field of records fetched from the “events” API endpoint:

import pandas
inputfolder = 'C:\\example\\'
eventsdf = pandas.read_json(inputfolder+'events.json', lines=True, dtype='object')

Code to determine how many unique values existed among the sublists of records attached within the categories field of records fetched from the “events” API endpoint:

import pandas
import json
inputfolder = 'C:\\example\\'

with open(inputfolder+'events.json') as f:
    eventslines = f.readlines()

categories_list = []
for line in eventslines:
    lineobj = json.loads(line)
    categories_array = lineobj.get('categories')
    for category in categories_array:

categoriesdf = pandas.DataFrame(categories_list, dtype='object')

Code to figure out data patterns with the sublists of organization records attached within the hosts field of records fetched from the “events” API endpoint:

import pandas
import json
inputfolder = 'C:\\example\\'

with open(inputfolder+'events.json') as f:
    eventslines = f.readlines()

count_null_org_ids = 0
count_empty_host_lists = 0
count_lists_with_single_host_that_is_org_id = 0
count_lists_with_single_host_that_is_not_org_id = 0
count_lists_with_multiple_hosts = 0
for line in eventslines:
    lineobj = json.loads(line)
    org_id = lineobj.get('organizationId') # Looks like no org_id values are None.
    if org_id is None:
        count_null_org_ids += 1
    hosts_array = lineobj.get('hosts') # Looks like no hosts_array lengths are 0.
    if len(hosts_array) == 0:
        count_empty_host_lists += 1
    elif len(hosts_array) > 1:
        count_lists_with_multiple_hosts += 1
        if org_id == hosts_array[0].get('organizationId'):
            count_lists_with_single_host_that_is_org_id += 1
            count_lists_with_single_host_that_is_not_org_id += 1
print(f'''There are {count_null_org_ids} null org IDs.
Among {len(eventslines)} events, there are 
{count_empty_host_lists} empty host lists, 
{count_lists_with_single_host_that_is_not_org_id} abnormal single host lists, 
{count_lists_with_single_host_that_is_org_id} events with a single host matching the org ID, and 
{count_lists_with_multiple_hosts} events with multiple hosts.''')

Code to figure out how many characters are in the longest event name:

import pandas
inputfolder = 'C:\\example\\'
eventsdf = pandas.read_json(inputfolder+'events.json', lines=True, dtype='object')
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