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14 Mar 2020 🔖 tips
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Table of Contents


Excel: “Return value”’s “data type” from a method named average:

Think of a “return value” as a hint that you can take away coffee from the drive-through window of a Starbuck’s.

Excel: “Input parameters” to a method named average:

Think of “input parameters” as a hint that Starbucks expects you to pay them and to specify what size coffee you want before they’ll give you coffee!

Excel: “Calling” a method named left (using the string "Katie" as an input parameter), saving its value to a “variable” (cell B1), and then writing more code that “calls” a method named concatenate and “passes” the value in B1 as an “input parameter”:

  • This requires planning ahead and thinking about what the “data type” of the “return value” from the left method would be (answer: “string”).
  • This requires planning ahead and thinking about what the “data types” of the “input parameters” to the left method would be (1 “string” as the first “parameter”, and 1 “integer” as the second “parameter”), which will help guide where in the list of “input parameters” to type a reference to the “string”-typed data contained within cell A1.
  • This requires planning ahead and thinking about what the “data types” of the “input parameters” to the concatenate method would be, which will help guide where in the list of “input parameters” to type a reference to the “string”-typed data returned by the formula in cell B1.

This act of “planning ahead” can be done by looking at the Excel method’s “signature.”

The “hover-over text” shown above for average demonstrating its “return value” “data type” and its “expected input parameters” is about the closest thing you’ll find in Excel to a “method signature.”

A note on “saving things to a variable” that come out of a method:

Imagine that the Starbuck’s drive-through doesn’t give you your coffee in a paper cup.

Instead, they expect you to know that you’re coming to a place that serves coffee and bring a reusable mug.

All they promise to do, when paid, is reach out the window with a pot of hot coffee and start pouring it for 3 seconds.

If you don’t want to waste your money, you’ll probably want to have brought a mug and hold it under the stream of hot cofee!

That’s what it’s like to “save the return value” of a method into a variable.

Excel’s user interface makes it so intuitive to do this that you don’t think about where the variable B1 came from. Maybe we can say that Excel’s “Starbucks” window attendant … hands you a paper cup to catch the coffee with right before it starts pouring the coffee out the window.

(In Apex, you’re going to have to manage your own mugs.)


  1. “Calling” a method named left (using the list-of-integers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 as an input parameter)
  2. Saving its value to a “variable” (cell B1)
  3. “Calling” a method named left (using the list-of-integers 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 as an input parameter)
  4. Saving its value to a “variable” (cell D1)
  5. Writing more code that “calls” a method named max and “passes” the values from B1 and D1 as “input parameters”
  6. Writing yet more code that directly “calls” the left method from within the “call to” the max method, just to show that it has the exact same effect.

Formula Fields

“Return value”’s “data type” from a Formula Field:

Defining a “body” for a Formula Field named Eighteen_Digit_ID__c:

“Calling” a Formula Field named Eighteen_Digit_ID__c from within a Formula Field named Link_To_Record_With_18_Digit_ID__c:


“Calling” an Apex method named getAverageOfBiggerList that is saved inside a file represented by the Apex class MyDemoClass:

Note that getAverageOfBiggerList in turn “calls” an Apex method named average that is saved inside a file represented by the Apex class HandyMathMethods:

Here’s what the contents of the file represented by the Apex class HandyMathMethods looks like:

  • This requires planning ahead and thinking about what the “data type” of the “return value” from the left method would be (answer: “string”).
  • This requires planning ahead and thinking about what the “data types” of the “input parameters” to the left method would be (1 “string” as the first “parameter”, and 1 “integer” as the second “parameter”), which will help guide where in the list of “input parameters” to type a reference to the “string”-typed data contained within cell A1.
  • This requires planning ahead and thinking about what the “data types” of the “input parameters” to the concatenate method would be, which will help guide where in the list of “input parameters” to type a reference to the “string”-typed data returned by the formula in cell B1.

This act of “planning ahead” can be done by looking at the various Apex methods’ “signatures.”

  • The “signature” of getAverageOfBiggerList (which I spread out across lines 3-6 for legibility) indicates that it the “data type” of the value it “returns” is a number that is allowed to have digits after the decimal point.
  • The “signature” of getAverageOfBiggerList indicates that it “takes,” as “input parameters,” 1 “list of integers” as the first “parameter”, and 1 “list of integers” as the second “parameter”.
  • The “signature” of average (line 3) indicates that it the “data type” of the value it “returns” is a number that is allowed to have digits after the decimal point.
  • The “signature” of average indicates that it “takes,” as an “input parameter,” 1 “list of integers” as the first and only “parameter.”
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