Salesforce Fast Flow Updates: Like BEFORE Triggers
02 Jan 2020
I’m super excited about Before-Save Updates / Fast Field Updates in Salesforce Flow Builder in the Salesforce Spring ‘20 release.
Salesforce’s release notes can tell you how to set them up, but I noticed a few things when playing with it myself and wanted to catalog a few observations.
Note that you have to double-click the “Start” element (the circle with the right-facing triangle) in Flow Builder to find the screen where you set an autolaunched flow to leverage this functionality.
At the moment, the only elements you get are:
- Logic
- Assignment
- Decision
- Loop
- Data
- Get Records
Manager - New Resource - Resource Type
- Variable
- Constant
- Formula
- Text Template
- Stage
Gone are the elements:
- Interaction
- Action
- Subflow
- Logic
- Pause
- Data
- Create Records
- Update Records
- Delete Records
Gone are the resource types, though they’re not in any user-launched flows…
- Choice
- Record Choice Set
- Picklist Choice Set