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Python quick CSV / Excel diff

16 Apr 2019 🔖 csv python pandas excel
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Let’s say I have log files from 2 different days. I know the columns are always the same, and that 99% of the rows will be exact replicas from each other.

I just want to see people who appear/disappeared from the log on any given day, or who changed between one day and the next.

Here’s “yesterday’s” dataset:

ssn name_lf ph em company
A1A1A1 Amjit, Anush 1111111 [email protected] Apple
B2B2B2 Borges, Benita 2222222 [email protected] Boiron
C3C3C3 Combs, Cathy 3333333 [email protected] CVS
D4D4D4 Daher, Darweesh 4444444 [email protected] Dell
E5E5E5 Ellis, Ezra 5555555 [email protected] EDF
F6F6F6 Fulvia, Frances 6666666 [email protected] Firestone

And here’s “today’s” dataset:

ssn name_lf ph em company
C3C3C3 Combs, Cathy 3333333 [email protected] CVS
D4D4D4 Daher, Darweesh 4444444 [email protected] Dell
E5E5E5 Ellis, Ezra 5555555 [email protected] EDF
F6F6F6 Fulvia, Frances 6666666 [email protected] Firestone
G7G7G7 Gao, Grace 7777777 [email protected] GAF
H8H8H8 Hopper, Helen 8888888 [email protected] Heinz

Notepad++ has a great “compare” tool that can make it easy to skim for changes, but I had a particular case where I wanted to see only lines that were new (like Grace & Helen), had disappeared (like Amit or Benita), or had changed (like Cathy’s e-mail address).

Unfortunately, the plugin doesn’t isolate changes like that. Notepad++ would simply show me the entire datasets side-by-side.

If these tables were Oracle database tables “convention1” (yesterday) & “convention2” (today), the code for “new or changed today” in SQL would be a very simple “MINUS” operation:

select * from convention2
select * from convention1;
ssn name_lf ph em company
A1A1A1 Amjit, Anush 1111111 [email protected] Apple
B2B2B2 Borges, Benita 2222222 [email protected] Boiron
C3C3C3 Combs, Cathy 3333333 [email protected] CVS

And the code for “dropped or changed from yesterday’s file” in SQL would be:

select * from convention1
select * from convention2;
ssn name_lf ph em company
C3C3C3 Combs, Cathy 3333333 [email protected] CVS
G7G7G7 Gao, Grace 7777777 [email protected] GAF
H8H8H8 Hopper, Helen 8888888 [email protected] Heinz

But these aren’t database tables. They’re CSV files on my hard drive.

So how do I get something similar against files on my hard drive?

Python and Pandas to the rescue! (Thanks to EdChum and piRSquared on StackOverflow for the code.)

import pandas
pandas.set_option('expand_frame_repr', False)

df1 = pandas.read_csv('c:\\example\\convention1.csv')
df2 = pandas.read_csv('c:\\example\\convention2.csv')

newin2 = df1.merge(df2, indicator=True, how='outer').query('_merge == "right_only"').sort_values(by=['name_lf'])
droppedin2 = df1.merge(df2, indicator=True, how='outer').query('_merge == "left_only"').sort_values(by=['name_lf'])

print('New in 2')
print('Lost from 1')

(Note that I sorted my output by the name_lf column to help with readability – in our file, things already are sorted, but in the file I was working with this morning, they weren’t.)


Further Resources

Playing with Oracle

If you want to play with the Oracle SQL, sign up for a free account and try Oracle’s Live SQL tool.

You’ll need to run the following code to create and populate the two tables (once you run it once, you can comment it out by surrounding it with /* and */):

/*drop table CONVENTION1;
create table CONVENTION1 ( 
	ssn		varchar2(6) not null 
	, name_lf	varchar2(30) not null 
	, ph		varchar2(7) not null 
	, em		varchar(15) not null 
	, company	varchar(15) not null 
insert into CONVENTION1 values ('A1A1A1', 'Amjit, Anush', '1111111', '[email protected]', 'Apple');
insert into CONVENTION1 values ('B2B2B2', 'Borges, Benita', '2222222', '[email protected]', 'Boiron');
insert into CONVENTION1 values ('C3C3C3', 'Combs, Cathy', '3333333', '[email protected]', 'CVS');
insert into CONVENTION1 values ('D4D4D4', 'Daher, Darweesh', '4444444', '[email protected]', 'Dell');
insert into CONVENTION1 values ('E5E5E5', 'Ellis, Ezra', '5555555', '[email protected]', 'EDF');
insert into CONVENTION1 values ('F6F6F6', 'Fulvia, Frances', '6666666', '[email protected]', 'Firestone');

drop table CONVENTION2;
create table CONVENTION2 ( 
	ssn		varchar2(6) not null 
	, name_lf	varchar2(30) not null 
	, ph		varchar2(7) not null 
	, em		varchar(15) not null 
	, company	varchar(15) not null 
insert into CONVENTION2 values ('C3C3C3', 'Combs, Cathy', '3333333', '[email protected]', 'CVS');
insert into CONVENTION2 values ('D4D4D4', 'Daher, Darweesh', '4444444', '[email protected]', 'Dell');
insert into CONVENTION2 values ('E5E5E5', 'Ellis, Ezra', '5555555', '[email protected]', 'EDF');
insert into CONVENTION2 values ('F6F6F6', 'Fulvia, Frances', '6666666', '[email protected]', 'Firestone');
insert into CONVENTION2 values ('G7G7G7', 'Gao, Grace', '7777777', '[email protected]', 'GAF');
insert into CONVENTION2 values ('H8H8H8', 'Hopper, Helen', '8888888', '[email protected]', 'Heinz');

Playing with Python

For a fancier Python-based “diff” tool, see also


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